Writing for Y!CN and Freelance writing tips for writing on the web.

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Jan 04
Freelance writer and erotica author Jolie du Pre has a new site up, 'Leodegraunce' - a site "that showcases quality flash fiction of up to 200 words."

If you enjoy writing flash fiction, check out Jolie's site for deadlines and guidelines. If your work is accepted, it will be included in an anthology to be published in 2012. Definitely check out the guidelines for more information.

What are you waiting for? Good luck!
Jan 01
I really don't like the word "resolution," but I'm a big believer in making short and long term goals. We should all makes goals and take baby steps to meet them. Whether you're a long distance runner who needs to work harder to make better time in a marathon or a writer who wants to advance in their chosen career.

I was amazed at the number of total page views I received at Y!CN in 2010. What these numbers told me is (1) I'm doing something right, and (2) I can do better. Sure, it's going to take some work, but that is what goals are for.

My goals are few and very simple. They don't necessarily mean anything to most, but I thought I would put them out there - make myself accountable.

My Writing Goals for 2011:

1. 500,000 plus page views for the year
2. Become a PV Millionaire
3. Reach Clout 10 by Spring
4. Apply for two more FC spots (I'm currently an A&E FC, but there are other areas that interest me)
5. Take on more Yahoo! TV and OMG! assignments and really put forth a lot of effort writing them
6. Continue working on my book
7. Mentor other writers if they need help with something I know a thing or two about
8. Get better organized (time management, work more at my desk vs. in the living room, etc.)

How about you? Do you have any goals for the New Year? Feel free to share them in the comments section.
Nov 02
Marilisa Kinney Sachteleben gives great advice on writing, poetry, how to write haiku's, blogging, how to monetize your blog, and everything in between. There is definitely something for everyone at The Writer's Garden.
Nov 01
I was blessed with my first grandchild recently, a girl. I started thinking about all the cool things we can buy for her: dresses, hair accessories, and cute little shoes. Then I realized she's almost old enough to have her ears pierced. I found some really nice baby screw back earrings at Become.com. I found a nice variety of earrings ranging from plain silver earrings to bears, ballet slippers, and little hearts. They also have them in gemstones, but I think my favorite pair has to be the ladybugs.

While at their site, I decided to check out their monkey baby clothes. In addition to some pretty cute clothes, the line also includes diaper bags, a plush 'Monkey Magoo and Blankie Too' that comes in a keepsake banana gift box, and little red soft sole shoes. Absolutely adorable!

Lastly, I cruised over for a look at their comfy bassinet strollers. These strollers are nothing like what I had for my own children. These strollers are reminiscent of a bygone era. I'm thinking the '20s and '30s. These are really nice and, if they are taken care of, may even make for a nice heirloom; however, some of them are a little pricey.  (Paid Post)
Jul 26
Denise Kawaii has a really great blog about the mind and "adventures" of a writer and other various thoughts. I love the look and feel of this blog and plan to dig in a little deeper as soon as I have some free time on my hands. Go ahead and pay her blog, Quiet Keystrokes and Midnight Ramblings, a visit.

About Me

Freelance writer - Featured A&E Contributor at Associated Content by Yahoo!(Yahoo! Contributor Network) where I have been writing since August 2008. I have been published on Yahoo! News and Yahoo! omg!

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